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For Cross-Border EC Buyers: Quick Reference to the 7 Types of Kutani Ware Classification for Business Meetings

With these seven classifications (❶ Period, ❷ Production Method, ❸ Design, ❹ Product Type, ❺ Price Range, ❻ Color, ❼ Size), you can gain a comprehensive overview of Kutani Yaki for more effective business negotiations. Understanding Kutani-yaki can be challenging due to its complex and diverse range of products. However, even a basic understanding of its structure can facilitate smoother negotiations and lead to better outcomes in business meetings.

Unlocking Revenue: Exploring 5 Cross-Border E-Commerce Business Models in IT for Easy Monetization

We will explain the five key player areas and their respective business models for monetizing thier company's products in "cross-border e-commerce," a symbolic business of the IT age.The following is an easy-to-understand explanation of the five key player areas and their respective business models.By learning about them from a bird's eye view, it will be useful to find out where your company stands, where you should go, and the best way to get there.

Monetizing IT: Introducing Recommended Sites for ‘Yamanaka Lacquerware’ to Enhance Japanese-English PR Messages for Attracting Overseas Cross-Border EC Buyers

Introducing Recommended Sites for 'Yamanaka Lacquerware' to Enhance English PR Messages for Attracting Overseas EC Buyers