Monetizing IT: Introducing Recommended Sites for ‘Yamanaka Lacquerware’ to Enhance Japanese-English PR Messages for Attracting Overseas Cross-Border EC Buyers


This blog provides support for individuals who need to navigate non-specialized marketing, especially in IT-related monetization and business models. It aims to help them while they carry out their core business activities like research, development, manufacturing, sales, service, and staff work. These articles are designed to assist ‘Sellers’ as defined in the ‘5 Business Models to Profit from Cross-border E-commerce’ blog.

In the context of ‘Cross-border EC’, you are required to present your company’s products and services, along with PR messages (both in text and verbal description), in English and Japanese. This should be done in a way that is easily understandable for overseas buyers. The focus of this particular issue is ‘Yamanaka Lacquerware,’ which is a traditional Japanese craft.  

The recommended websites mentioned in this blog primarily include government, municipal, and cooperative organization sites. These sources serve as references for more versatile wording. While there are certainly many excellent private websites, some of which you might already be using, the aforementioned public websites offer a more reliable impression when inquired about PR messages’ sources from customers or within the company. This approach reflects our guiding policy. Additionally, social networking sites like YouTube are not covered here. For those, please refer to them individually using the appropriate keywords

1.Five scenes of Japanese-English PR message required

 In this theme, we envision the following five situations in which a Japanese-English PR message is required to be as easy to understand as possible and lead to sales.

  1. Internet messages 👉”Company introduction, product introduction, sales promotion campaign, product features, lacquerware knowledge,” etc. on company website & web ad text, SNS images, YouTube videos, etc. for overseas buyers (including individual purchasers).
  2. Exhibition support👉”exhibition PR text, catalog text, face-to-face product explanations, topics of interest,” etc. at domestic and international lacquerware-related exhibitions.
  3. On-site support👉Explanation, workshop tour, QA, and on-site business meeting negotiation” for overseas buyers (tableware specialists) who visit Japan.
  4. Promotion for foreign tourists visiting Japan👉Accompanying them to experience lacquerware workshops, as well as sales activities at retailers and restaurants that offer lacquerware products.
  5. Presentations and business negotiations👉various materials for overseas buyers (proposals, product descriptions), various materials for internal use (product proposals, executive briefings, meeting materials), etc.

PR message creation tool (for reference)

 Since this is not the main theme (details will be provided in a separate theme), here is a brief introduction to a free and useful creation tool.

1.Basic creation with Japanese-English translation software:👉 We recommend a dual use of “Google Translate” and “Deep L” for the basic structure of Japanese-English text. The basic structure of the document is developed by using both software to translate the original Japanese-English text in both directions. The reason for the two-way process is to avoid mistranslations caused by the shortcomings of both.

Creation tool①citation:Google translate:

Creation tool②citation:Deep L:

👉Multiple repetitions will reduce the number of inaccurate sentences in both Japanese and English.

2.Accuracy is improved with ChatGPT:👉 input the previous sentences and specific instructions for it. For example, “Is it grammatically correct? “Does it sound natural to a native speaker?” If the answer is no, a correction will be provided.

Creation tool ③citation:ChatGPT:

👉In latest AI, this type of simple instruction in a structured area such as programming or language can be very effective.

3.Sensitivity improvement with Google Trends:👉 We recommend using ‘Google Trend’ to compare and verify the keywords that are likely to be searched for in the above texts with (multiple) similar expressions (obtained with methods 1 and 2. This will lead to a review of keywords that are more likely to be searched.

Creation tool ④citation:Google Trends:

👉If you have any concerns about the text after reviewing it, check it again in steps 1.2.

2.Cover Site Dedicated to This Theme

The following is a list of sites (Japanese & if available, English sites as well) that cover the theme. Although we regularly check and update the cited sites, please note that they may not reflect the latest information, especially when referring to campaigns and events. It consists of the following two major parts, 3, 4.

3:Information on crafts in general: 👉This is a quotation site for traditional crafts in general. This site is useful for understanding the competitive situation and considering strategies and plans.

  • a)Portal: 👉Portal site for each citation site.
  • b)Thematic: 👉extracted highly effective sites from a).

4:Information pertaining to ‘Yamanaka lacquerware’: 👉This is a quotation site dedicated to’ Yamanaka lacquerware’. This is useful for effective message consideration based on product features.

  • a)Portal:👉 Portal site for each citation site.
  • b)Thematic:👉a selection of sites with high validity from a).

3.Information on crafts in general

 From the perspective of overseas buyers who search and view various PR messages on a daily basis, there are a vast number of categories, items, and types of traditional Japanese crafts. In this context, we need to devise ways to increase the recognizability of ‘Yamanaka Lacquerware’ while taking into consideration its position and differentiating factors. The following site is useful from this perspective, mainly in situations 1-5 above, to develop an overall strategy and a message that differentiates the product from other crafts and other lacquerware.

3.1:Association for the Promotion of Traditional Craft Industries (a general incorporated foundation affiliated with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

 a)Nationwide and comprehensive information pertaining to lacquer crafts is available. From an administrative (legal) perspective, it is possible to understand the history and current status of the craft, and to use this as a reference for strategic planning. As quoted separately in b), you can check the status of development and differentiation of other competing items on the websites of traditional craft halls in each region from the “National Traditional Craft Hall Information”. In addition, there is a list of individuals who are “traditional craftsmen (lacquerware, etc.),” which is useful for creating a differentiated story plan and PR for Yamanaka lacquerware. At present (2023), there is no English website.

Citation dite:potal:a) 伝統的工芸品産業振興協会 (

Citation site:b)会館情報 | 伝統的工芸品産業振興協会 (

3.2:Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square

 a)This gallery and store is operated by the Association for the Promotion of Traditional Craft Industries, and as cited separately in b), you can refer to stores nationwide for competitive lacquerware and other types of tableware from “Understanding Crafts”. In addition, the “External Events” section is a convenient way to check event information. Also, there is no English-language site at this time.

Citation site:potal:a)伝統工芸 青山スクエア (

Citation site:b)工芸品を知る | 伝統工芸 青山スクエア (

4.Information on Yamanaka Lacquer Ware

 Yamanaka Lacquerware is one of the largest producers of lacquerware in Japan. Each of the individual workshops has developed their own unique ideas and has made their websites easy to understand, so please refer directly to the following sites according to your interests and needs.

4.1:Yamanaka Lacquerware Union Cooperative

 a)This site is operated by an organization to which all businesses related to Yamanaka lacquerware are members. This site itself (as of 2023) does not have an English site, but some of the workshops are displayed in English. Since this is the main source of Yamanaka lacquerware information, it is also quoted quite separately in b), so please refer to it in turn.

Citation site:potal:a)山中塗(山中漆器)オフィシャルサイト (

b)-1:Information on all 66 companies (as of 2023) can be found in the “List of Members”. (Some businesses do not have site links.) This is useful for understanding differentiation based on individual strengths. You can check the history of awards received, which processes (woodworkers, painters, etc.) the company is strong in, and the product lines in which the company excels (traditional and modern materials). In addition, although limited in number, workshop tours, workshop experiences, and overseas provenance are useful in 3.4 situations. Although there are only a few English-language sites, promotions for overseas are generally deployed through SNS image links.

Citation site:b)-1:山中漆器連合協同組合一覧 | 山中塗オフィシャルサイト (

b)-2:You can find information on Yamanaka Lacquerware events in the “Notices” section.

Citation site:b)-2:お知らせ | 山中塗(山中漆器)オフィシャルサイト (

b)-3:You can refer to “About Yamanaka Lacquer” for product descriptions, sales descriptions, and information that can be used to make proposals.

Citation site:b)-3:山中塗について | 山中塗(山中漆器)オフィシャルサイト (

b)-4:People and their skills” -> “Craftsmen in the mountains” is effective for storytelling material.

Citation site:b)-4:山中の職人 | 山中塗(山中漆器)オフィシャルサイト (

b)-5:People and their skills” → “Production process” is effective in creating a PR message to increase awareness of the workshop tour.

Citation site:b)-5:製作工程 | 山中塗(山中漆器)オフィシャルサイト (

b)-6:”Encountering Yamanaka Nuri” is an effective for case study promotion.

Citation site:b)-6:山中塗と出会う | 山中塗(山中漆器)オフィシャルサイト (

b)-7:You can find the latest “wooden” products on the website of “Yamanaka Wooden Lacquer Ware Cooperative Association”, a cooperative of dealers, from “Link”. As you know, “wooden” lacquerware is the most important aspect of Yamanaka lacquerware.

リンク | 山中塗(山中漆器)オフィシャルサイト (

4-2:Ishikawa Prefectural Yamanaka Lacquerware Industrial Technology Center

 a)This is a training facility for acquiring the “wheel throwing technique” and “lacquer craft technique,” which are the strengths of Yamanaka Lacquerware, and is very effective for creating PR messages from a technical perspective. There is no English website, but some English materials are available. b) Separately cited sites are as follows.

Citation site:potal:a)石川県立山中漆器産業技術センター (

b)-1:”The History of Yamanaka Lacquer Ware” is effective from the producer’s point of view, telling a story and raising awareness.

Citation site:b)-1:山中漆器の歴史 |石川県立山中漆器産業技術センター (

b)-2:”Japan’s No. 1 wood ground mill production area” is an effective differentiation story for Yamanaka of wood ground.

Citation site:b)-2:製造工程・技術紹介 |石川県立山中漆器産業技術センター (

b)-3:You can download the English version of the “Facility Guide” as a PDF file. The English illustration is useful for the work studio PR description. (The site cited below is the English version of the PDF file.)

Citation site:b)-3:en_山中漆器産業センターなかCC= (


 As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we have introduced the following portals as highly versatile message sources for this theme. There are many other excellent private websites as well, and we hope that by combining them according to your objectives, you will be able to increase sales with a message that strikes a chord with buyers (B2B and B2C).

  • a)Association for the Promotion of Traditional Craft Industries
    • b)National Traditional Industry Hall Information
  • a)Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square
    • b) Know the Crafts
  • a)Yamanaka Lacquerware Union Cooperative
    • b)List of members /News/About Yamanaka Lacquerware/Human and technique/Meeting Yamanaka Lacquerware/Yamanaka Wooden Lacquerware Joint Cooperative Association
  • a)Ishikawa Prefectural Yamanaka Lacquerware Industrial Technology Center
    • b) History of Yamanaka Lacquer Ware/ Japan’s largest producer of ground wood products/ Facilities

Gratitude 🔶 Afterword

Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this issue to the end. We will continue to brush up on the theme and other topics on a regular basis, so please continue to refer to our website. Thank you very much.
